Please Vote for your Doylestown Team on Tuesday, November 7th!

Trish Murphy for Supervisor

Trish Murphy’s family immigrated from Poland to the United States for a better life when Trish was just 1 year old. Growing up, her family instilled in her a strong work ethic and the values that made the American Dream possible for countless immigrant families. Professionally,Trish brings a wealth of experience in real estate development and contract management. Her private sector background has given Trish a unique perspective on the financial challenges facing Doylestown families, particularly rising inflation and the burden of taxes on a household budget. More than 10 years ago, Trish and her husband, Sean, moved to Doylestown to raise their young family, which now includes 3 children attending Central Bucks schools. Today, Trish can be seen all over Doylestown as an active parent involved in her kids’ schools and sports programs, as well as a volunteer with local community organizations.

Rob Caroselli for Supervisor

Rob Caroselli is a retired teacher and principal who will bring his innovative leadership and data-driven approach to the role of Township Supervisor.A fiscal conservative and expert in streamlining operations, Rob will bring a fresh look at how Township government can best serve the residents. Rob's experience overseeing multimillion-dollar budgets, managing staff, and building relationships with community partners makes him uniquely qualified to serve as our next Township Supervisor. Rob will use his leadership skills to engage stakeholders towards our common goals of safer streets, a more vibrant economy, and a more responsive local government. Rob and his wife of 22 years, Mary Ellen, have three boys who attend Central Bucks schools. Rob can often be found on Penn Athletic fields and CB West cheering on his sons' football teams or helping his entrepreneur son with his local sports card business.

Joseph A. Lukaitis for Auditor

Joseph A. Lukaitis Sr (Joe) is a father of three and has two grandchildren. Joe is a native Philadelphian who moved to the Doylestown area four (4) years ago with his wife Christina. Joe is a retired Philadelphia Police Officer who served the community for twenty-four years, where he demonstrated leadership, innovation, dedication and a strong will to build relationships and serve the community. During his tenure, he was appointed Crime Prevention Officer and Community Relations Officer, which afforded him great opportunities to manage budgets and coordinate large community events with his team. Joe is a strong believer in fiscal responsibility and has a strong sense of doing what is right and in the best interest of the community. Joe is a licensed Amateur Radio Operator since he was in high school and enjoys talking to people all over the world.

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On the Issues

Supporting Law Enforcement

First responders deserve proper funding and support from their Township government. We must all work together to keep our streets safe.

Fighting for Small Businesses

Local entrepreneurs are more than just job creators; they are community leaders, sponsors of our little league teams, and the backbone of our neighborhoods. Their success is our township's success.

Holding the Line on Taxes

Families are struggling under the weight of rising costs and a faltering economy, they do not need the added burden of rising local taxes.

Cutting Wasteful Government Spending

Fiscal responsibility is critical, especially in local government. Finding and eliminating the waste and duplication in the township budget will be a top priority.

Promoting Transparency

By streaming committee meetings online, and having meetings recorded for viewing at your convenience, we can bring a new level of transparency to Township government.

Protecting the Character of our Community

Doylestown is a truly special place to live, work, raise our families, and enjoy our retirement years. You deserve township supervisors who understand the importance of protecting and maintaining our unique quality of life.

Like you, we value the importance of safe streets, fiscal responsibility, and government transparency. With your vote for both of us on Tuesday, November 7th, we will be your voice on the Board of Supervisors. We will fight for you and your family each and every day, and work to keep this community a truly wonderful place to live.We are All for Doylestown!

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